An ag(e)ing hacker - posts tagged as "privacy"

Luca Saiu's blog

Posts tagged as "privacy" (3 posts)
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Languages and complexity, Part I: why I love Anki2024-01-02 19:47
Updated: 2024-05-14 02:22
Lately I have not been as active in GNU ( as I would have liked—which I plan to change. Apart from work I was busy with happy family life next to E.; and, I guess, with contemplating the dismal state of the West as it descends further and further into tyranny amid the general indifference. Maybe in part seeking solace from the news I focused with renewed intensity on my hobby, studying the Russian language for no reason much more practical than my love for Nineteenth-Century novels. I have heard more than one Russian teacher vocally disapproving of literature as [...] Read more
Tags: anki, bash, e, emacs, english, free-software, gnu, gnu-linux, hacking, keyboard, myself, natural-language, privacy, russian-language, software, tutorial

p≡p-mail-tool: easy privacy for email with existing Mail User Agents (p≡p is working with Gnus!)2023-08-07 03:05
Updated: 2024-01-11 12:15
During the last month and a half I have unfortunately mostly disappeared from GNU, having been busy and focused writing p≡p-mail-tool (, a new work project I have let overflow into my personal time as a beautiful little hack in which I believe. p≡p-mail-tool is of course free software. Motivation Freedom of speech and privacy are more and more threatened by governments and hostile corporations working against the public interest. In this season of death of liberty the minimum we can do to respond is making surveillance more difficult, by providing the general public with easy tools to use for [...] Read more
Tags: aiosmtpd, bash, command-line, dovecot, emacs, english, free-software, gnu, gnu-linux, gnus, hacking, imap, lisp, minimalism, myself, parentheses, pop, p≡p, privacy, python, script, smtp, software, surveillance, thunderbird, unix

Privacy 2013: Why. When. How --- a talk by Werner Koch2013-08-05 23:05
Updated: 2013-08-26 12:16
A couple days ago Sylvain (<>) asked me to proofread his transcription of the latest talk by Werner Koch (<>). That was an occasion for listening carefully to what Werner has to say about electronic communication privacy in the global police state. Following his speech while paying attention to the text was instructive for me and, I think, a good use of my time. Werner is very competent on the subject: he’s a security expert and, as you probably know, the main author of GPG (<>). [Werner Koch speaking] Werner speaking: a frame from the video, CC-BY-SA <>. I’ve known [...] Read more
Tags: english, gnu, politics, privacy, security, talk

Posts tagged as "privacy" (3 posts)

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Luca Saiu

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